Sunday, June 28, 2015

More peeps

So, right after we spent 3 weeks incubating our eggs we had a hen go broody.  The. Day. After the eggs hatched to be precise.  Since we only had 7 chicks from the first batch, we decided to let our broody Salt sit some more eggs.  I gave her 12 eggs to start.  After almost 2 weeks I slipped into the coop after dark with a flashlight to candle the eggs.  To my surprise, they were all viable except for 2.  I moved her from the hens' favorite nesting box into a temporary brooding room I built into the corner of the coop.  On day 21 we woke up to find this darling little face peeking out at us!

Hello little one!

Salt did such a good job sitting her nest that all 10 eggs hatched out without a problem!  I have to say, its so much easier letting a hen do the incubating, hatching, and chick raising!

Salt all plumped out to make a nice warm place for her babies
We named this one Happy Feet.  Doesn't she look like a baby penguin?
Our first babies are more friendly with us than the new chicks because they imprinted on us from the start.  This is Amelia, our best flier named after Amelia Earhart of course.  As soon as we open the brooder she flies up onto whoever's head is nearest!

The new babies look so tiny
And the older babies look HUGE next to them even though they are only 3 weeks older!  They look like awkward teenagers now!

The older babies have most of their adult feathers in now.  Its very interesting to see their markings coming out

These 3 certainly have their father's legs!
Salt has started to take her babies out of the coop for walks.  She's a great Mama and makes my job so much easier!

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