Sunday, February 7, 2016

Two level framing

Our second floor only covers about two thirds of the lower level.  That means the ceilings and walls in the dining room and living room are two levels high.  Tall walls are harder for one person to raise alone.  But somehow Chris figured out how to do most of it by himself.

Is that Spiderman?

He built the walls in smaller sections and raised them separately before connecting them

Outer framing done!  We don't have all the windows yet, so the window spaces will be framed in later when we know the sizes

You can see the size of the double door and large dining room window here

Three of the walls in Zander's room are done

The view from the front door
Solstice cuddles with Simon

And Oliver

Zander shares his DS with them, Solstice only thinks she's playing it ;-)

The kittens are growing into fine looking young cats


Unknown said...

Chris is definitely a work machine. Solstice is getting so big.. I cant wait to see the next phases of the house. Stay safe, love You all... Aunt D....xo

Unknown said...

Chris is definitely a work machine. Solstice is getting so big.. I cant wait to see the next phases of the house. Stay safe, love You all... Aunt D....xo