Sunday, February 17, 2019

Beginning 2019 with straw: Part 1

The last few months have been filled with straw.  Chris has been working hard to get all the straw in the walls in preparation for plastering once the weather is warm enough.

The "hallway" created by the hanging plastic hoarding covering the entire house. This plastic protects the straw from moisture until it can be plastered this spring, and it gives Chris a safe place to work out of the weather. On the left is the North wall, already filled with straw.
Chris on top of the straw in the West wall of the girls' bedroom
West wall of the second level, the girls' bedroom

Laundry/mud room West entrance

My dad Steve, Zander, and Chris working on lining up the bales

Zander loves working on the scaffold!

Break time!

Chris working on the two level South wall, above the main entrance
Looking down on the South wall from the second story

The hoarding doing its job, South wall

The hoarding, South West corner

The view down the hill to our house from my parent's house where we are still living

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