Sunday, February 17, 2019

Beginning winter with Straw: Part 2

I guess I should explain a bit about what putting straw in the walls means.  The bales have to be re-strung, tied, and notched to fit around the studs in the wall.  Each bale is fitted into the wall around the stud, and then loose straw is stuffed into the gaps created by the stud.  Every two levels of bales also get strapping on top to compress it tight together.  Then the entire wall will be covered with chicken wire and "sewn" with bailing twine to pull it all tight together.

A bale re-strung and tied, then notched with a chainsaw ready for the wall

Inside South/East corner.  Notice the strapping along the East wall to the right of the window.  Those will be the supports that our kitchen shelves will be attached to.  The straw bales have to be cut to fit around them

Zander and Chris fitting the last few bales into the top of the South wall
Here you can see how the bales fit around the studs.  When the walls are done, the studs will all be inside the bales and not visible from the inside or outside

Chris on his makeshift scaffold.  A board hanging from the roof because the regular scaffolding can't sit on the ground on the East wall with all the rocks!

My 2 men working on the top of the South East corner

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok now so I get it. I cant wait to see it when it's done. It will be a home filled with love and memories. I will come see it. Soon. I hope.